Car Boot
- Stall-holders Admission > Cars 25 €
- Stall-Holders Admission > Vans 35 € [Large Vans (> 5 Cubic Meters) are not admitted]
- The “Carboot Sale” opens for stall holders at 08-00 hrs
- No advanced booking are possible as the Carboot Sale is operated on a “first come first served” basis , but enthusiastic “car-drivers/participants” often queue up from early morning, prior to 7am, to secure their favourite slot.
- Visitors/ buyers are admitted from 09-00 hrs.
Dates 2023:
The 2023, Carboot Sales will be held in the grounds of All Saints Raheny on Saturdays as follows:
- May 6th & 20th
- June 10th
- July 15th
- August 12th & 26th
- September 9th & 23rd
If it is your first time with us, you are very welcome. If you have been with us before, you are very welcome back this year. We are very glad to be back ourselves and look forward to meeting up with you again. We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all car boot stallholders and members of the public, for your participation and support of the carboot sales organised by the parish of All Saints, Raheny since 2001.
Rules of attendance on Raheny Parish for Stallholders and Visitors to our Carboot Sales
- We will do our best to ensure that you enjoy the day.
- We will comply with all public health guidance and would ask for your cooperation in this respect.
- We ask that you show courtesy, care and consideration at all times both to yourselves as well as to other stallholders and visitors attending at the car boot sale. If you have any questions, please ask the stewards and we would be happy to assist.
- We require visitors and stallholders to co-operate with the stewards at all times. This is important to ensure your comfort and safety and that of other members of the public.
- We require all participants to take away all litter, and to be mindful of the needs of other participants and stallholders.
- Also, for the safety of all persons, save in exceptional circumstances, vehicles should not leave the grounds before 2.30pm. We ask that all vehicles depart the premises by 3.30pm.
- Toilet facilities and tea, coffee and cakes are available in the All Saints’ Hall beside the main hall car park.
The Carboot Sales at All Saints are organised by All Saints Parish Volunteers Stewards and Kitchen Personnel to help support the maintenance and upkeep of the historic church, grounds and halls. We very much appreciate your support in this worthwhile endeavor.